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Emotional Healing

Hahnemann Healing is a powerful method of dealing with emotions, which often lie behind illness. These emotions occur as a result of negative thoughts and feelings towards events that have happened in a person’s life.  The good experiences of life do not eradicate the memory of the bad experiences felt and retained in the body. Hence, they need an intervention to remove them. Because they are an energy, they are only removable through the use of energy.


Hahnemann Healing is a form of spiritual healing. Generally, spiritual healing and its derivatives (e.g. Reiki) work by drawing healing energy via the practitioner from the great cosmos. The energy is then dispersed with a lot of power and clarity for people’s benefit.  Hahnemann Healing works in a more specialised way, being directed to points in the body where it is needed. Each one of these points relate to a specific emotion.  Hahnemann Healing releases these negative emotions and increases love with lasting effect.


A strong emotion represents a danger to the body and a threat to the mind. This creates an overload and panic within a person. The resulting shock, loss of energy, and overwhelm embeds a blockage. The nervous system will slowly return to its normal method of operation but the damage is done, and the negative emotion is embedded i.e. a blockage is created.  Hahnemann Healing bypasses the mind and targets these emotional blockages via the nervous system, directing energy to precise points on the body using light finger touch and specific coloured energy.


The Healer is able to recognise the energetic call for help at certain points in the body, then provide those points with the healing energy required to assist the healing process.  It is  light finger touch and specific coloured energy.




Having spent years training in this

field of healing, I am skilled at

directing energy drawn from a

higher source, to where specific

negative emotions are held within

the body as blockages and

releasing them, thereby improving

physical and emotional health.



Negativity out, Love in

Hahnemann Healing may assist with:

  • Increased energy

  • Reduced anxiety

  • Clarity about your life and life's direction

  • Easing feelings of depression

  • Gentle care and progress after grief

  • Helping find a resolution to conflict

  • Increased self belief

  • Diminished anger

  • Reduced sleep problems

  • Reduced sadness

  • Increased coping ability

  • Healing from physical injury after illness or accident

  • Increased upliftment and joy

  • Help with addiction and weight loss

  • Alleviation of sorrow

  • Reducing the impact of past hurts and developmental arrests.

What can I expect in a healing?

A short consultation sets the agenda for the healing session, to determine the specific emotions stored within the body, that need to be targeted.


Treatment always begins with what is called a ‘Balance’ where the healer places one finger at the base of the skull and one at the coccyx at the same time. This is to clear away any blockages in the flow of energy through the spine. This is done as the spine is the center line of carrying energy through your nervous system.


The Healer will then direct energy to very specific parts of the body using light touch. The points they touch are the very points leading to where the body has retained emotional hurt or pain. The healing frees the body to release this pain, sometimes over a number of sessions as more and more layers are peeled away.


The treatment is non-invasive and the client remains fully clothed.  Where possible, skin to skin contact is preferable as it increases the healing effectiveness.  Light comfortable clothing is your best attire.


Hahnemann Emotional Healing  is $80 per 1 hr session

Sessions can only be done in person

Concomitant Healing

Concomitant Healing is so named because it means “one after the other”.  It is a physical healing modality which requires the application of pressure to very specific parts of the body, which are neither meridians nor pressure points.


It is not a general healing modality, it is specific to healing injury or injuries.


In Concomitant Healing, it is recognized that where the body is holding an injury (regardless of its cause which can include emotional reasons) it will be affected in many more parts than just the injured area.


By following these affected parts in the injured body, the practitioner is able to resolve significant injuries quickly and effectively.  Therefore, it does not concentrate on just the injured area and it does not follow known or established lines through the body.  Rather, the practitioner goes to the parts of the body affected by the injured area, no matter where they are.


The client is usually intrigued by where the practitioner goes to on their body to heal their physical ailment and amazed by the outcome.


Pressure point massage 2

Concomitant Healing can assist in alleviating the symptoms of the following but is not limited to these:


  • Sporting injuries

  • Back, neck and shoulder pain

  • Period pain, headaches, migraine

  • Frozen shoulder

  • Arthritis

  • Knee and ankle issues

  • Sprains

  • General aches and pains or muscle tension

  • Feeling disconnected in the body


Concomitant Healing  is $60 per 40 minutes session

Sessions can only be done in person



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