Spiritual Surgery
In Ancient Egypt under the protective umbrella of the Sphinx, in the Schools of Learning under the Great Pyramid of Giza, many years of work were devoted to healing and remedying the human body through the use of directed energy. The energy used was amplified through the power of the pyramid.
The work was advanced and covers most human conditions. This form of work was lost to the world and is now available again on earth.
The knowledge and methodology used are both intricate and precise and without physical human intervention or touch, the person performing this work is able to operate within the body to fix and cure a large variety of physical issues.
The form of energy used is precise and the method of performing these operations is precise. Each surgery is specific to each body operated on. In other words, there is no 'one size fits all', for it takes into the account the requirements of a specific body including its condition and age. There are no side effects.
With few exceptions, it can treat almost all conditions of the body. It will appear miraculous and revolutionary. In the hands of an appropriately trained and evolved person it is neither. ​Energy and its use are largely misunderstood on earth. Not so by those qualified in this work.
Beatrice Briese is accredited in Spiritual Surgery by the Sphinx Spiritual School of Learning following many years of supervised study and practice.
What will I need to do!
Spiritual Surgery is available by appointment, in person or remotely.
If your appointment is remote, all you need to do is find a quiet place to sit and relax for the allotted time. I will call you for a brief chat beforehand and then again once the surgery has concluded. Please ensure your phone or other distractions are not present. This is a time for you to simply "feel" what is happening to your body.
​​​If you are interested in having Spiritual Surgery or would like to discuss this method of healing, please contact me on 0423 162 101 or via email, beatrice@personal-unity.com
What can it help with?
​​​Many common complaints can be assisted with Spiritual Surgery.
These include but are not limited to the following issues:
​* ankle, knee, hip, back, shoulder and neck issues including sciatica
* feet and plantar fasciitis
* fractures, torn muscle, ligaments and tendons
* carpal tunnel syndrome
* scars and scar tissue
* bursitis, arthritis, joint degerneration
* damaged hands and wrists
* period pain including fibroids
* hemorrhoids, pelvic floor issues
* incontinence including bowel issues
* ear problems including hearing, tinnitus, swimmers ear
* eye issues including macular degeneration/tears, glaucoma,
detached retina & cataracts​
​​​Spiritual Surgery is $220 per surgery (approx 60 minutes)
Post surgery follow up visit @ $150
Some more complicated surgeries are $330 for the initial surgery,
however this is determined at your initial consultation.
​​If you are interested in having Spiritual Surgery or would like to
discuss this method of healing, please contact me on
0423 162 101 or via email, beatrice@personal-unity.com
To witness the relief that someone has from the non invasive spiritual surgery is so rewarding. When a client has exhausted all known avenues seeking relief and then finally finds their way to me, it is a win - win situation. I am able to share my skill, and they get the relief they have been seeking.
Credit: sphinxspiritual.com